上海到青岛空运 航空货运 航空当天件
公司业务范围涵盖:航空货运、航空快递(国内限时) 6-12 小时门到门服务,航空物流急客户之急,想客户之想,我们力求在最短的时间内满足广大客户的需求,在运输环节加大安全措施,强而有力地保证了货主货物的安全。我们秉承“ 您百分百的放心、我百分百的信心 ”为服务宗旨。根据客户的不同需求,竭诚为客户量身打造最实惠、最快捷、最安全的运输方案。
货物多可享受打折优惠;如有大件货物(单件货物超过50公斤以上,体积超过1立方以上)需提前电话咨询! 2、以上送货范围限市区,(快运到达时间送1-3个工作日)达时间为2-5个工作日;如需办理限时快递需加收50%运费! 3、属国家规定的违禁品(如爆炸性、易燃性、腐蚀性、毒性、强酸碱性和放射性的各种危险物品)本公司概不托运,易碎物品必须做木箱包装; 4、提供保价服务费率按1%收取,请自觉声明货物价格,易碎物品、包装不完整物品不予报价; 5、上海中铁快运营业部全天为您提供货物查询; 6、上门提货每票最低收费120元(注:运费不足120元按120元结算); 7、轻泡货物可按下列公式计算:货物体积重量=(长×宽×高)cm÷6000cm 确信我公司能为您提供安全、优质、全方面的服务,我公司全体员工愿竭诚为您服务,期待您来电垂询。我公司愿成为您事业成功的助手,生活中的朋友。 上海到青岛空运当天件|虹桥机场快递公司上海到青岛空运当天件|虹桥机场快递公司上海到青岛空运当天件|虹桥机场快递公司
上海机场报关一般流程及其他注意事项 一般贸易进口详细流程和其他注意事项: 一:发货人 1: 提供货物资料:品名,件数,重量,箱规尺寸,目的港及目的港收货人名称、地址、电话、出货时间,发货人名称、电话、地址。 海关对粉末状物品和化工产品出口和进口监管很严,涉及此类物品的,一般要在化工研究所做化验报告。 2: 应具备的报关资料: A:清单、合同、FP、手册、核销单、机电卡等。 B: 填写报关委托书并盖章及盖章空白信纸1份以备报关过程中备份需要,交由委托报关的货代或报关行进行处理。 C:确认是否具有进出口权以及产品是否需要配额。 D:根据贸易方式将上述文件或其他必备文件交由委托报关的货代或报关行进行处理。 3: 寻找货运代理:发货人可自由选择货运代理,但应从运价、服务、以及货代实力和售后服务等方面选择适合的代理公司。 4: 询价:向所选择的货运代理公司进行运价协商,航空运输价格等级分为: M N +45 +100 +300 +500 +1000 各航空公司因所具有的服务不同,给货运代理公司的运价也不同,一般来说重量级别越大价格就越优惠。也可申请更优惠的运价。
Shanghai Airport Customs declaration general process and other matters needing attention Detailed process of general trade import and other matters needing attention: 1. Shipper 1: Provide cargo information: name, number of pieces, weight, box size, destination port and destination port consignee name, address, telephone, delivery time, shipper name, telephone, address. Customs has strict supervision over the export and import of powdered goods and chemical products. If such goods are involved, laboratory reports are usually made in chemical research institutes. 2: Required customs declaration materials: A: list, contract, FP, manual, write-off slip, electromechanical card, etc. B: Fill in the customs declaration power of attorney and stamp and stamp a blank letter paper for backup in the process of customs declaration. It is handled by the forwarder or customs broker entrusted with customs declaration. C: Confirm whether there is import and export right and whether the product needs quota. D: According to the mode of trade, the aforementioned documents or other necessary documents shall be submitted to the forwarder or customs broker entrusted with customs declaration for processing. 3: Looking for freight forwarder: The shipper can choose the freight forwarder freely, but should choose the suitable agent company from the aspects of freight rate, service, freight forwarder strength and after-sales service. 4: Inquiry: Negotiate the freight rate with the selected freight forwarding company. The air transport price level is divided into: M N+45+100+300+500+1000 airlines, because of their different services, the freight rates to the freight forwarding company are also different. Generally speaking, the higher the weight level, the more preferential the price. Better rates can also be applied for.